SAP MM after MBA in marketing

SAP MM after MBA

As an MBA graduate in Marketing, you may be wondering what your next step in your career should be. One option to consider is specializing in SAP MM, but is it a good choice?

The answer is yes! Pursuing SAP MM after MBA in Marketing specialization can open up a plethora of opportunities and enhance your skill set in ways that complement your marketing knowledge. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the benefits of pursuing SAP MM after MBA in Marketing, the advantages of combining the two, career opportunities available, and how SAP MM can help enhance your skills as a marketing professional.

Advantages of Combining SAP MM after MBA

Choosing SAP MM after MBA in marketing can provide a myriad of benefits. Here are some of the advantages of combining SAP MM after MBA:

  1. Wider career opportunities: Pursuing SAP MM after MBA in marketing can open up new doors in the field of supply chain management. It can help individuals land executive-level positions such as logistics manager, supply chain manager, or procurement manager.
  2. Improved skills: SAP MM after MBA is a highly specialized field that requires a unique skill set. Individuals who pursue this certification can hone their skills in material management, inventory management, and procurement processes. This can give them a competitive edge in the job market.
  3. Complementary skill sets: The skills gained through an MBA in marketing and SAP MM after MBA are complementary. While MBA in marketing provides a solid foundation in business principles, SAP MM offers practical knowledge of supply chain management processes. Together, these skill sets can help individuals make data-driven decisions while considering market trends.

Therefore, pursuing SAP MM after MBA in marketing specialization can help individuals build a foundation of knowledge and skills that complement each other perfectly. It can prepare individuals to tackle complex business challenges across different departments, making them more versatile assets to any organization.

Career Opportunities in SAP MM after MBA

One of the primary reasons for pursuing SAP MM after MBA in Marketing is to broaden your career prospects. Combining both degrees opens up various job opportunities in the industry.

“SAP MM is one of the most in-demand modules in the SAP domain. By acquiring this certification, one can work in various domains such as logistics, supply chain, inventory management, and procurement.”

The role of an SAP MM consultant is to understand the business processes of their clients and optimize them by implementing the SAP MM module. They are responsible for providing end-to-end solutions to their clients, ensuring a smooth flow of goods and services within the organization.

Some of the job profiles available after pursuing SAP MM after an MBA in Marketing include:

  • Procurement Manager
  • Supply Chain Analyst
  • Inventory Control Specialist
  • Logistics Manager
  • Materials Manager
  • SAP MM Consultant

With the increasing demand for SAP professionals in the market, the average salary of an SAP MM consultant with an MBA degree is around $91,000 per annum. However, the salary package may vary based on the level of experience and the organization’s size.

Skill Enhancement through SAP MM after MBA

Pursuing SAP MM after MBA in marketing specialization can be an excellent choice for those looking to enhance their skills and increase their job prospects. The SAP MM (Material Management) module deals with the procurement process, inventory management, and invoice verification, making it an essential component of supply chain management.

SAP MM after MBA in marketing can help professionals gain a deeper understanding of the procurement process, giving them an edge in the job market. The certification adds value to a candidate’s already established marketing skills and opens the door to a whole new range of career opportunities.

“The combination of an MBA in Marketing and SAP MM certification can prove to be extremely beneficial in the field of supply chain management. It is a perfect blend of marketing strategy and material management, which can help individuals excel in the industry.”

In addition to providing a comprehensive understanding of the supply chain, SAP MM certification can also help individuals develop expertise in procurement, vendor management, and inventory control. These skills are highly valued by companies across various industries and can help individuals climb the corporate ladder quickly.

  • The ability to manage vendor relationships effectively
  • Improved inventory control and management
  • A comprehensive understanding of the procurement process

In conclusion, pursuing SAP MM after MBA in marketing specialization can be an excellent career choice for those looking to enhance their skills and increase their job prospects. Not only does it allow professionals to gain valuable insights into the supply chain management process, but it also helps them develop a unique skill set that is highly valued by companies across various industries.

How SAP MM Complements MBA in Marketing

Pursuing SAP MM after an MBA in marketing specialization can prove to be a game changer for one’s career. Marketing professionals can use their skills to integrate SAP MM modules and streamline effective supply chain management.

“SAP MM complements the marketing level management system of a company. It helps gain market insights, supports decision-making, and improves relationships with suppliers and customers. It’s a perfect complement to an MBA in marketing.”

By integrating SAP MM with marketing, professionals can improve their ability to manage the production line, inventory, and logistics. SAP MM provides a comprehensive overview of the procurement process, inventory management, valuation of stock, and provides a robust supply chain solution.

  • Better supply chain management to ensure smooth operations
  • Improved coordination with suppliers and customers
  • Increased efficiency in production and delivery
  • Enhanced decision-making through access to accurate data

Not only does SAP MM offer better coordination with suppliers and customers, but it also helps with vendor selection, material management, and procurement. It facilitates the automation of tasks, such as purchase order creation, invoicing, and more.

Therefore, it can be said that combining an MBA in marketing with SAP MM specialization can lead to better management, improved productivity, and higher profits for the organization.


Combining an MBA in Marketing with SAP MM can provide numerous benefits, including enhanced skills, increased job opportunities, and a complementary skill set for marketing professionals. Pursuing SAP MM after an MBA in Marketing specialization can also open up doors to exciting career paths.

While SAP MM may seem daunting at first, with proper training and certification, it can become a valuable asset for anyone looking to advance in the business world. The advantages of combining an MBA in Marketing with SAP MM cannot be underestimated, making it a wise choice for those looking to take their careers to the next level.

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